Thursday, December 20, 2007
Will be up soon...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Nairobi Smagam, 6 - 9 December 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Random Shabad
rwgu DnwsrI mhlw 5
raag dhhanaasaree mehalaa 5
Raag Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
hw hw pRB rwiK lyhu ]
haa haa prabh raakh laehu ||
O God, please save me!
hm qy ikCU n hoie myry sÍwmI kir ikrpw Apunw nwmu dyhu ]1] rhwau ]
ham thae kishhoo n hoe maerae svaamee kar kirapaa apunaa naam dhaehu ||1|| rehaao ||
By myself, I cannot do anything, O my Lord and Master; by Your Grace, please bless me with Your Name. ||1||Pause||
Agin kutMb swgr sMswr ]
agan kutta(n)b saagar sa(n)saar ||
Family and worldly affairs are an ocean of fire.
Brm moh AigAwn AMDwr ]1]
bharam moh agiaan a(n)dhhaar ||1||
Through doubt, emotional attachment and ignorance, we are enveloped in darkness. ||1||
aUc nIc sUK dUK ]
ooch neech sookh dhookh ||
High and low, pleasure and pain.
DRwpis nwhI iqRsnw BUK ]2]
dhhraapas naahee thrisanaa bhookh ||2||
Hunger and thirst are not satisfied. ||2||
min bwsnw ric ibKY ibAwiD ]
man baasanaa rach bikhai biaadhh ||
The mind is engrossed in passion, and the disease of corruption.
pMc dUq sMig mhw AswD ]3]
pa(n)ch dhooth sa(n)g mehaa asaadhh ||3||
The five thieves, the companions, are totally incorrigible. ||3||
jIA jhwnu pRwn Dnu qyrw ]
jeea jehaan praan dhhan thaeraa ||
The beings and souls and wealth of the world are all Yours.
nwnk jwnu sdw hir nyrw ]4]1]19]
naanak jaan sadhaa har naeraa ||4||1||19||
O Nanak, know that the Lord is always near at hand. ||4||1||19||
Monday, October 15, 2007
New Exhibition Website
Through illustrations and detailed captions, the key events and people concerned are presented in eight sections, from the rise of the Sikh kingdom of Lahore in 1801 to the settling of the Sikh Diaspora in Britain in the twentieth century. Sometimes as friends, other times as foes, the Sikhs and the British have had one of the most rich and intriguing of partnerships.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Meet Monty Panesar

EC3, Waterstone's Leadenhall Market. Free Book Signing
Monty Panesar
Friday 19th October at 12:00pm
Widely rated as England's best spin bowler for 30 years, the Wisden cricketer of the year will be signing copies of his autobiography 'Monty's Turn: My Story So Far'.
Waterstone's 1-3 Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Market, London, EC3V 1PJ, (020 7220 7882)
Underground: Old Street
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know!
This is pretty neat.
It takes less than a minute.
Work this out as you read ...
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat.
(more than once but less than 10)
2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)
3. Add 5
4. Multiply it by 50
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757 ....
If you haven't, add 1756.
6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should have a three digit number
The first digit of this was your original number
(I.e., how! Many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.)
The next two numbers are
YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sanja Smagam - 20th October 2007
kljug mih kIrqnu prDwnw ]
gurmuiK jpIAY lwie iDAwnw ]
Awip qrY sgly kul qwry hir drgh piq isau jwiedw ]6]
Kaljug Mei Keertan Pardhana, Gurmukh Japie Lai Diyana
Esa Keertan Kar Man Mere, Eha Uha Jo Kam Tere
Sevi Satgur Apna, Har Simri Dins Sabh Rehn.
Khalsa Jio,
With Maharaj Ji's blessings, the 2007 Sanjha Akhand Keertan Smagam will be held in Birmingham on Saturday 20th October 2007 to coincide with the 299th Gurgaddi Divas of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Address of venue:
Nishkam Educational & Cultural Centre (NECC)
Great King street
West Midlands
B19 3AS
Supporting Organisations:
Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha
Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK
Damdami Taksal UK
Nanaksar Sampardai
Nihang Singh Jathebandia
Keertania invited from all jathe.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Random Shabadh
This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 167 |
gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ] |
gourree bairaagan mehalaa 4 || |
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehla: |
hmrY min iciq hir Aws inq ikau dyKw hir drsu qumwrw ] |
hamarai man chith har aas nith kio dhaekhaa har dharas thumaaraa || |
Within my conscious mind is the constant longing for the Lord. How can I behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Lord? |
ijin pRIiq lweI so jwxqw hmrY min iciq hir bhuqu ipAwrw ] |
jin preeth laaee so jaanathaa hamarai man chith har bahuth piaaraa || |
One who loves the Lord knows this; the Lord is very dear to my conscious mind. |
hau kurbwnI gur Awpxy ijin ivCuiVAw myilAw myrw isrjnhwrw ]1] |
ho kurabaanee gur aapanae jin vishhurriaa maeliaa maeraa sirajanehaaraa ||1|| |
I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has re-united me with my Creator Lord; I was separated from Him for such a long time! ||1|| |
myry rwm hm pwpI srix pry hir duAwir ] |
maerae raam ham paapee saran parae har dhuaar || |
O my Lord, I am a sinner; I have come to Your Sanctuary, and fallen at Your Door, Lord. |
mqu inrgux hm mylY kbhUM ApunI ikrpw Dwir ]1] rhwau ] |
math niragun ham maelai kabehoo(n) apunee kirapaa dhhaar ||1|| rehaao || |
My intellect is worthless; I am filthy and polluted. Please shower me with Your Mercy sometime. ||1||Pause|| |
hmry Avgux bhuqu bhuqu hY bhu bwr bwr hir gxq n AwvY ] |
hamarae avagun bahuth bahuth hai bahu baar baar har ganath n aavai || |
My demerits are so many and numerous. I have sinned so many times, over and over again. O Lord, they cannot be counted. |
qUM guxvMqw hir hir dieAwlu hir Awpy bKis lYih hir BwvY ] |
thoo(n) gunava(n)thaa har har dhaeiaal har aapae bakhas laihi har bhaavai || |
You, Lord, are the Merciful Treasure of Virtue. When it pleases You, Lord, You forgive me. |
hm AprwDI rwKy gur sMgqI aupdysu dIE hir nwmu CfwvY ]2] |
ham aparaadhhee raakhae gur sa(n)gathee oupadhaes dheeou har naam shhaddaavai ||2|| |
I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. He has bestowed the Teachings of the Lord's Name, which saves me. ||2|| |
qumry gux ikAw khw myry siqgurw jb guru bolh qb ibsmu hoie jwie ] |
thumarae gun kiaa kehaa maerae sathiguraa jab gur boleh thab bisam hoe jaae || |
What Glorious Virtues of Yours can I describe, O my True Guru? When the Guru speaks, I am transfixed with wonder. |
hm jYsy AprwDI Avru koeI rwKY jYsy hm siqguir rwiK lIey Cfwie ] |
ham jaisae aparaadhhee avar koee raakhai jaisae ham sathigur raakh leeeae shhaddaae || |
Can anyone else save a sinner like me? The True Guru has protected and saved me. |
qUM guru ipqw qUMhY guru mwqw qUM guru bMDpu myrw sKw sKwie ]3] |
thoo(n) gur pithaa thoo(n)hai gur maathaa thoo(n) gur ba(n)dhhap maeraa sakhaa sakhaae ||3|| |
O Guru, You are my father. O Guru, You are my mother. O Guru, You are my relative, companion and friend. ||3|| |
jo hmrI ibiD hoqI myry siqgurw sw ibiD qum hir jwxhu Awpy ] |
jo hamaree bidhh hothee maerae sathiguraa saa bidhh thum har jaanahu aapae || |
My condition, O my True Guru - that condition, O Lord, is known only to You. |
hm rulqy iPrqy koeI bwq n pUCqw gur siqgur sMig kIry hm Qwpy ] |
ham rulathae firathae koee baath n pooshhathaa gur sathigur sa(n)g keerae ham thhaapae || |
I was rolling around in the dirt, and no one cared for me at all. In the Company of the Guru, the True Guru, I, the worm, have been raised up and exalted. |
DMnu DMnu gurU nwnk jn kyrw ijqu imilAY cUky siB sog sMqwpy ]4]5]11]49] |
dhha(n)n dhha(n)n guroo naanak jan kaeraa jith miliai chookae sabh sog sa(n)thaapae ||4||5||11||49|| |
Blessed, blessed is the Guru of servant Nanak; meeting Him, all my sorrows and troubles have come to an end. ||4||5||11||49|| |
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Valencia - September 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Day in Pictures

This is featured on the BBC's website. It is the third picture in the list.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Will be posting soon...
Watch this space. :-)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Comments on Bad Customer Service
- (From G-Singh's Blog)
Anonymous said...
that so poor!
14 August 2007 07:22
- Kamal said...
Just typical - never trust an Indian!
14 August 2007 08:32
- Anonymous said...
You spent £2,500 for this pile of ****??!!!!!!!
This company needs a kick up their ***!!!!14 August 2007 09:04
- Anonymous said...
They need to go down for this. Need to be shut down.
14 August 2007 09:16
- Anonymous said...
thats a whole lot of rubbish i am going to report this to watchdog or which magazine.
14 August 2007 09:36
- Anonymous said...
Even my cheap Argos ones are better than this!
14 August 2007 10:02
- Anonymous said...
That is terrible! I was looking fit out 2 of our bedrooms and believe it or not KC group was a company I was going to call for quotations......I'll scrub them off the list right away!
Companys like this should not be able to get away with shoddy customer service - go to Watchdog regardless of whether they fix your existing merchandise.15 August 2007 02:00
- Peter Atkins said...
Lord only knows how many customers have been fobbed off in the past - thank goodness for people like you who have the guts to take some action against dodgy outfits like this!
Well done!15 August 2007 03:41
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Bad Customer Service
(from G-Singh's Blog)
Hello all,
We have had really bad service from this company so I have decided to put up my dealings with them on the internet; I have called them to give them the address to the site. Im hoping this will get them to do something for us and warn other potential customers of what they can expect from this company.
It would be great if you can forward to your friends and leave comments to support us on the blog too.
Power to the people!
Gurcharan S Durhailay
Bad Experiences with KC Group
Do not buy anything from the KC group, west London
Where do I begin, I think the pictures do all the talking. Just over three years ago I decided to get some fitted wardrobes im my room to create some storage for my wife to be at the time.
After going to a few companies and receiving quotes I decided to go with the quote from the KC Group who are a fitted cupboard specialist based in Hounslow West London.
The KC Group already had fitted wardrobes in two rooms of my uncles house and were recommended by a friend of the family who had a some rooms fitted prior.
The local fitter and agent for the KC Group was an eager and friendly chap, Mr R, obviously a salesman sweetening the client. At this point there were no signs that the company would refuse any sort of customer service in the future. We decided to have fitted cupboards with internal drawers, a dresser and mirror and a pair of bedside cabinets made at the cost of about £2500.
Click here to
Monday, August 13, 2007
New Blog -
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Joke - Job Interview
(Email from Sandeep)
An office manager was given the task of hiring an individual to fill a job
He decided to call the four in and ask them only one question. Their answer
"What is the fastest thing you know of?"
"That's very good!" replied the interviewer.
"And now you sir?" he asked the second man (A COLOURED MAN). "Hmm....let me
"Excellent!" said the interviewer. "The blink of an eye ... that's a very
He then turned to the third man (A BLACK MAN) who was contemplating his
"It's obvious to me that the fastest thing known is DIARRHEA." "WHAT!?" said the interviewer, stunned by the response. "Oh I can explain." said the fourth man. "You see the other day I wasn't feeling so good and I ran for the bathroom.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Happy 30 Birthday Jagdeep Singh ji
Monday, July 23, 2007
Seeking out a Sikh with a tale to tell

Such was the fate of a gracious and dignified elderly gentleman named Milkha Singh who was in the gallery yesterday watching his son, Jeev Milkha Singh, playing alongside Pádraig Harrington and Soren Hansen.
Milkha stood out from the crowd as he was wearing the turban of his Sikh faith, but the golf fans following the group had no idea they were in the company of a remarkable man.
He was just a teenager living in a remote village of what became Pakistan following partition in post-colonial India when the madness came to his home.
Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs were stirred to bloody strife and Milkha's parents and other family members were slaughtered in a pogrom.
"That night I lost my my parents, three of my brothers, my sisters, all of them were killed.
"I managed to run away in the darkness when the killing went on. Almost 4,000 men, women and children were killed in my area. It was madness at that time," he said.
He found himself a refugee in India but from tragedy Milkha made his life a great success when he was introduced to running after joining the army.
There was no coaching, he ran barefoot, and knew nothing of Olympic Games, Asian Games or anything else about the sport, but Milkha Singh went on to become a hero in his country as an Olympian.
He ran in the Olympic Games at Melbourne, Rome, and Tokyo, and earned the nickname of "The Flying Sikh" for his athletic exploits.
Sadly, although he set a World record in the 440-metre preliminaries in Rome, he was to lose out on an Olympic medal by a fraction of a second, as the first four finished virtually in a dead heat and were separated only on a photo-finish.
Milkha, somewhat reluctantly, took up golf when his running days were over and though he got to single figures and still plays five days a week, at one stage he decreed that his son Jeev should concentrate on his studies and become an engineer or a doctor instead of a career in sport.
But now, at almost 80 years of age, sprightly Milkha delights in the success of Jeev and last year, took his son to, of all places, the Morton Stadium in Santry for an emotional return after 48 years.
Milkha had won Gold in the Commonwealth Games 440 yards at Cardiff in 1958 and was brought to Dublin by the late, great Billy Morton for the international athletics meeting which opened the new cinder track at Santry.
'I knelt down and touched the track. It had changed but the stadium was not so different'It proved to be an epic evening in front of a huge crowd. The feature race was the mile, in which Herb Elliott broke the world record by 2.7 seconds and the first five, including our own Melbourne '56 gold medal winner Ronnie Delany, all beat four minutes.
Milkha Singh won the 440 yards race on that memorable night and still treasures his medal.
The track is a modern synthetic surface now, justifying in one respect Billy Morton's proud boast to the press after the '58 event that "Gentlemen, grass is on the way out!"
Said Milkha: "I knelt down and touched the track. It had changed but the stadium was not so different. It was a very emotional moment. I told my son 'I ran here in 1958'.
"That brought special memories back to me."
Milkha and his wife Nirmal delight in the success of their son and the family has gained an unique honour: back in '58 Milkha was awarded the equivalent of a knighthood in India for his sporting exploits and son Jeev has been given the same honour, the "Padma Shri" after his four international wins last year, including the Volvo Masters.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday Kiran
Friday, July 13, 2007
Put on your Aprons - Eggless Donuts

EGGLESS DOUGHNUTS By Manpreet Kaur from Germany | |
INGREDIENTS Maida 2 heaped cups+ ¼cup Milk Slghtly less than 1 cup Salted butter ¼ cup Fresh yeast 1 tbsp Baking powder ¾ tsp Powdered sugar ½cup Salt, sugar, any jam, oil to fry Method: Heat the milk & pour over 1/4 cup sugar & 1/4 cup salted butter. Let cool to room temperature. Meanwhile add 1 tbsp fresh yeast with little sugar to 1/4 cup warm water & sprinkle 1/2 tsp maida & keep for 10 mts. Add this & 2 cups maida to milk mixture. Beat well after each cup. Let rise until double in bulk. Now add 3/4 tsp salt&3/4 tsp baking powder to 1/4 cup maida, mix well & add to the dough. Let rise again. Roll, make small balls with a little jam inside. Deep fry & coat with powdered sugar. |
Monday, July 09, 2007
Gursikhs - Sant Sohan Singh ji

Friday, July 06, 2007
Happy Birthday Jazz & Randy
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Hot New Spin - Chilli &Lemon

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
New Site on the Block - Sikh Roots
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Interview with Tarawati Sofat, Nairobi

For full article, click here -
Monday, June 25, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday Dharam Joda Singh ji
Article on Makindu Gurudwara by Lakhvir Singh

Legend have been connected to this magnificent Gurudwara. It has truly been referred to as the 'Harmandir Sahib' of Africa. It is so amazing that even now, as i pen these lines, an electric current runs through me, just thinking about the power of that Gurudwara.

A note to make here is that there not a single Sikh family resident in Makindu and yet the Gurudwara continues to flourish, through the goodwill of non-Sikhs, the devotion on its Sikhs and abundant blessings of the Guru, who ceaselessly watches over this shrine that was built on the foundation of sincere faith, love and dedication to the WORD of GOD. And yes, do visit this Gurudwara, no matter what part of the world you come from, and you will experience all that we have, and who knows, the Guru awaits you too!
Lakhvir Singh, NAIROBI, KENYA
Read the full article: www.sikhnet. com
Some pictures taken from
Friday, June 22, 2007
Trekking with the Singhs - Dublin, April 2007
I have to admit that it was a great choice to stay as we had the chance to bond with each other and get on each others nerves. Not to mention AJ's flaky feet or Tej's sleepathon. During this trip, we managed to find a Gurudwara, Guru Nanak Darbar, in Dublin to thank guru ji for a successful trip. We were well looked after by the local 'sangat'. It happened to be a public holiday and the birthday of one of the local lads. As a treat, the 'sangat' had made 'alloo wale prontey' for breakfast and mushy paneer, egg plant 'subji' and yogurt for lunch. It was definitely a delight after having to eat junk food for 3 days.
As we had some time to kill before our ferry back to England, the local lads decide to take us out to do some sight seeing. They were all really kind people and took us to a place where we would never had thought to go. I managed to take some videos of the trekking we done with the singhs in Dublin.
In the video above you can see that the nerves kicking in when just about to go down the cliff.
To be continued...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Panesar climbs to new career high

The left-arm spinner, 25, took 5-46 to help set up England's seven-wicket win and finish the series as England's man of the series with 23 wickets.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Fauja Singh ji in Edinburgh 2006

In the video you will see running along side Fauja Singh ji are Harmander Singh ji who is his personal trainer and Sulakhan Singh ji who is a regular runner of Team Fauja. Sulakhan Singh ji ran the full marathon in 4 hours 30 minutes where he caught up with the other two and finished the race in style.